Let the 17th Annual Wiener Fun Commence!
Sunday, October 6th, 2024!
Pre-registration for 2024 is now closed. We will have open registration the day of the event.
Western Washington (Puyallup) Fair and Events Center Showplex
Enter at Blue Gate 11 am to 4 pm
(Registration does NOT include entry to Oktoberfest)

The 2022 PEANUT BUTTER LICK CONTEST was a success!
Have you seen the viral videos where the dog licks peanut butter off the parent's head? NOW ITS YOUR CHANCE to see if your dog has the fastest licker in the West! Each parent will wrap their head in saran wrap, the officials will place the exact same amount of peanut butter on the head of each parent and when we say GO! your dog starts licking! Whichever dog cleans their parent's head first is the winner!
Back by popular demand!
We've all watched the Stein Holding contests... well, imagine the same thing, only on your knees, holding your Wiener (dog)!
2024 Oktoberfest Northwest Running of the Wieners Event Schedule
11:00 - Open Registration & Check-in for pre-registered dogs
Race Registration is from 11 - 12:15
Contest Registration is open until 15 minutes before each contest is scheduled.
12:00 - Opening announcements
People Weenie Races for Kids
12:30 - Heats 1 thru 3
12:45 (and throughout the day)- Wiener Dog Trivia Challenge
Win prizes just sitting in the audience!
1:00 - Heats 4 thru 6
1:15 - Longest Wiener Contest
1:30 – 3rd Annual Peanut Butter Lick Contest!
2:00 - Heats 7 thru 9
2:15 - Stupid Wiener Tricks
2:30 - Heats 10 thru last
2:45 - Down Under Dog Designs Presents their 8th Annual Fashion Show America's Next Top Wiener!
3:00 - 2nd Annual Ween Holding Contest!
3:15 – Semi-Finals
3:30 - Costume Contest (if you don't want to race but want to take part in the costume contest, you do not have to be checked in at the event until 3:00 pm) Dachshund Mixes Welcome!
4:00 - Final Race and Award Pictures
4:15 - Closing announcements / Thank You’s
4:30 to 5:00 – Open Track
Note: Please be at the track at least 15 minutes before your heat or contest is scheduled. Times may vary slightly.
Although we try to do our best to stay on
Schedule, some dogs may take longer to get in place and some races may go quickly.
If you miss a 1st heat race, we can schedule a last minute race at the end of the heats so your dog can have his or her turn. For contests, if you miss it we cannot hold another.
*** Registration does NOT include admission to Oktoberfest NW!***

Visit us on Facebook!
1st: This event is all about family-friendly FUN! Judges reserve the right to warn, disqualify and/or REMOVE any ill-behaved participant, whether canine or human, at their discretion.
2nd: We feel it is important for all of our participants to know that we independently coordinate and manage the races for Oktoberfest every year. We are not affiliated with any other area Wiener Races or the individuals who coordinate said races. Your support is greatly appreciated and if you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly!